Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

Rabu, 15 Februari 2012


Berdasarkan sumber terpercaya..

Berikut adalah bocoran NARUTO 574

Karin berada dalam konflik batin, antara harus membenci Sasuke karena berusaha membunuhnya atau harus jatuh cinta kepadanya.

Jugo mencoba membunuh Suigetsu, namun Jugo kalah.

Suigetsu menemukan gulungan rahasia milik orochimaru

Sasuke kembali bertekad harus membunuh Naruto.

Episode kali ini lebih banyak bercerita tentang Sasuke dan Tim nya...

Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

Bocoran Naruto 512 Bahasa Indonesia dan Naruto Spoiler

source NF.

512 The truth behind Zetsu!

Bee had chased after the shark carrying the scroll, but had failed to catch up with it.
Guy has collapsed. Naruto is worried, and there are dead sharks all around.
Guy faints in agony when Naruto touches him.
Yamato: It's the pain of the after-effects of using the eight gates.
Naruto quickly lets go, hurting Guy further.
Yamato: Carefully! Carefully!!
The information had gotten wet within the Mizurou no Jutsu (water prison), so making contact had to be delayed. Bee's friend writes the letter and sends out the bird, which flies off holding the letter.
Aoba: We have to move Naruto and Bee somewhere else!
Bee returns: It didn't work~ that rascal~♪
Naruto and Bee are to stay on this island, because it is not on any maps
This island is a moving fortress.

The turtle that Guy kuchiyose-d is talking to a huge turtle
It is a giant turtle that was being kept by Kumogakure since a very long time ago (the island Naruto and Bee are on is on the turtle's back)

Bee's friend: Furthermore, we've told Naruto about a survey on the ecology on this island. He would suspect something if we were to move him from the island.

Kabutomaru: I will be the one to go to where the Kyuubi and Hachibi are. This is a good chance for you to come to trust me. Shodai Hokage is also one of the targets for my experiments. If that's no good, then Zetsu's body is fine too.
Madara: It seems you've been doing your homework.
Kabutomaru: According to Kisame's intel, the allied forces amount to 80,000 ninjas. But the vital part of our troops is this Zetsu, correct? With the research materials and knowledge that I've gathered, I can certainly make Zetsu even stronger. If you bring me there, that is.
Madara: If you come back with the Kyuubi, I'll give you one Zetsu. Follow me.
When he opens the door, Gedou Mazou is... Coming down the stairs in front of them.
Kabutomaru: This is
Madara: Thats right, this thing is alive.
Hashirama is coming out of the wall with a nume~ (TN: this is an SFX. can't think of an equivalent)
Madara: This is Shodai Hokage Senju Hashirama. Of course, it's nothing more than the cultivation of living cells I'd stolen from him. It doesn't have a consciousness.

Allied troops headquarters. There are a ton of shinobi present.
Tsuchikage: To think that the fact that we had come here had been leaked...
Tsunade: What are we going to do about the island? Even though it's an island that can move locations, I can't relax about it
Raikage: It can't be seen in the clouds. The enemy won't be able to find it in the first place
Gaara: But Kisame must have indicated the location of the island on a map. Even if it moves, they will look everywhere to find it

Kifune: We should send reinforcements. Just a few, as there would be no meaning to it should the enemy discover them because they move in a large group.

Water is dripping... A cave?
Kabutomaru: This is amazing
Madara: But there is also a risk. In order to create something like this, I had to use the chakra from within Mazou, and I want to preserve that as much as possible. The further away the revival of the Juubi is, that just means I need to delay my plan further.
Kabutomaru: How many are there here?
Madara: Roughly 100,000. (They are all white Zetsus, all standing upright)

Tsuchikage: I will go (as reinforcements)!!
Gaara stops him
Tsuchikage cannot do anything since his back is always hurting
Gaara says that it'll be faster if he travels via his sand.

Kabutomaru: Well, you all just take your time
He boards one of Deidara's birds, Deidara is beside him.

Right before the big battle. Kabuto draws near seeking power!!
The end.
It appears they are heading to where Bee and Naruto are. Deidara hasn't spoken yet.

Rabu, 22 September 2010

Spoiler / Bocoran NARUTO 512 Tidak Ada Minggu Depan (Not Aired/Published)

Kishimoto Says : There Will be No Naruto 512 next Week :D

Info Dari Kishimoto : NARUTO 512 Gak Keluar Minggu Depan :)

Spoiler / Bocoran NARUTO 511

Berikut adalah gambar spoiler / bocoran NARUTO 511 yang didapat dari source shonenjump.

bagi yang ga mau di spoil segera tutup jendela ini !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Madara Berganti Topeng

Papan Sinyal Katak (
Frog Signal Board)

Murid-murid Jiraiya Melarikan Diri lewat bawah tanah (Jiraiya Student's inside The Hideout)

Jiraiya Mengajarkan Mengenai Papan Sinyal Katak
(Jiraya Taught Students about Frog Board)

Jiraiya Mengajarkan Mengenai Papan Sinyal Katak
(Jiraya Taught Students about Frog Board)

Sepertinya episode kali ini akan banyak mengisahkan mengenai bagaimana konan, pein, nagato bertemu dengan Madara.

berikut bocoran terjemahan kasarnya :

Aku, yang terperangkap masa laluku. Apakah teman2ku masih menungguku, yang akhirnya harus menghilang juga...?

Cover Konan dengan Yahiko dan Nagato di tengah. Konan sdang memegang origami merah.
Latar belakang cover pondok kecil dan mereka di dalamnya.

Madara melihat Nagato dan menghisapnya masuk ke dimensi lain. dan mayat Nagato skrg berada dekat Madara. yang tersisa sekarang adalah mayat Yahiko's.
sementara mayat konan mengapung di danau. origami yang berlumuran darah dari dadanya tertiup angin dan terbang.

Kilas balik.

Jiraiya dan mereka bertiga ada di pondok kecil. Di gubuk itu, ada papan merah di dinding. Jiraiya mengatakan
"Dari kanan, ini milik Konan, Yahiko, dan Nagato."
"Apa itu" tanya ketiganya,
"papan katak" jawabnya, papan berwarna merah di depan dan putih di belakang, dan di sisi putih ada gambar kodok.
Jiraiya menjelaskan dengan senyum bahwa jika kalian membaliknya, ada kodok.
ketika berada di persembunyian, papan ada pada sisi merah, dan ketika mereka meninggalkan tempat persembunyian itu, mereka harus mampu memutarnya menjadi

sisi putih.
Jiraiya menjelaskan dengan senyum bahwa katak pada sisi putih itu adalah sinyal katak.
Yahiko: "Hanya karena kau petapa kodok jadi kami harus memperhatikannya, kau terlalu berlebihan soal katak itu ke kami."
Konan: "Mengapa kita harus melakukan semua itu?"
Jiraiya: "Tempat ini masih belum memiliki peraturan umum, jadi kita tidak tahu kapan kita akan ditargetkan. Kau target termudah saat di tempat persembunyian

itu, dan jika lokasi diketahui maka serangan rahasia juga sangat mudah untuk dimulai "

Konan kemudian paham setelah mendengarkan dia.
"Jadi Meskipun papan tetap merah, jika orang tersebut tidak di dalam tempat persembunyian berarti dia telah diculik oleh musuh atau sesuatu. Jika putih tapi

dia berada di dalam semua bersama, dapat berarti bahwa ada kemungkinan bahwa musuh telah menyamar menjadi dirinya.
Jiraiya mengatakan bahwa kode itu hanya diantara mereka berempat untuk mengkonfirmasi keberadaan masing2 dan mereka tidak bisa lengah bahkan di tempat

persembunyian itu.
Dia juga membangun ruang bawah tanah, dan ia menunjukkan kepada mereka jalan keluar ke permukaan dari itu. dia Memperlihatkan kepada mereka papanmiliknya,

yang berada di belakang mereka.
Jiraiya meminta mereka melakukan latihan. Yahiko keluar dari pintu.

Nagato: sensei kali ini telah melakukan sesuatu untuk kita, tapi apakah ia benar-benar serius tentang kode ini?
Yahiko melihat ke belakangnya :aku akan jadi lebih kuat dan melakukan perubahan di negara ini (* permainan kata. Kaeru katak = = perubahan)
Konan merona dan Nagato melihatnya. "...." dan kemudian tersenyum
Jiraiya memarahi Nagato: Sebelum mengubah (kaeru) negara di luar sana, pertama kali kamu harus merubah papan katak (kaeru) !
Jiraiya kemudian meninggalkan mereka bertiga. papan jiraiya di gubuk adalah pada sisi katak.
Mereka bertiga melanjutkan pelatihan mereka. Ketika Nagato keluar, Konan mengurus Yahiko. Mata mereka bertemu dan mereka bertatapan ...
Nagato dengan manis berdiri di pintu masuk membelakangi mereka.
Yahiko: organisasi kita telah berkembang besar, hari ini kita mengucapkan selamat tinggal ke tempat persembunyian ini. Semuanya dimulai dari sini. Demi

terwujudnya impian kita, juga akan berangkat dari sini! Dan ...
Ada 2 ninja di luar pondok. Sebelum meninggalkan tempat persembunyian itu, mereka membalik papan ke sisi bergambar katak.
Namun, ketika papan Konan berubah menjadi sisi untuk keluar sebuah kunai dengan tag peledak di atasnya menghujam atap dan meledak. Sebuah lubang terbuka di

Nagato berkata sambil berlari (via jalur yang Jiraiya ajarkan ke mereka melalui ruang tersembunyi): Ruang tersembunyi melindungi kita dengan baik pada

Yahiko: Mari kita pergi
Akhir dari kilas balik.

origami yang beterbangan dari dada Konan yang berdebar ke tempat persembunyian awal mereka yang terletak di sisi danau.
persembunyian sudah tidak digunakan dan kini ada pohon dan lumut tumbuh di atasnya, tetapi papan katak, dengan lumut tumbuh pada mereka masih seperti


Melanjutkan dari Yahiko mengatakan "Dan ..."
"Dan ... Ketika impian-impian kita jadi kenyataan, bahkan meski kita terpisah satu sama lain ... kita kembali ke tempat ini suatu hari. Dan kemudian kita

bertiga akan saling memberi selamat!

Setelah kata-kata itu, origami merah terbang ke papan katak konan yang telah berpaling pada sisi "keluar"...
Cahaya bersinar melalui atap dan melalui atap itu pelangi bisa dilihat, seolah-olah mengucapkan selamat.
"lalu , kita harus mengundang Jiraiya-sensei juga" "Yeah ..." "Yah ... Aku ingin tahu apakah yang akan terjadi ..." percakapan mereka bertiga dimasa lalu.

papan Jiraiya's yang telah berpaling pada sisi keluar ketika mereka berpisah, telah membalik ke sisi warna merah karena pohon-pohon yang tumbuh dan


Madara dan lainnya. Madara memakai topeng baru.
"Hal ini menyebabkan beberapa kesulitan tapi kau berhasil mendapatkan beberapa mata yang bagus, bukan" kata Kabuto.
Madara: "Mereka dulunya rekan-rekanku untuk mengawali"
Informasi dari Kisame telah tiba juga, Zetsu mengulurkan gulungan dan mengatakan bahwa semua berjalan seperti yang mereka inginkan.
Madara: "Aku pergi untuk mengambil Kyuubi" Madara berdiri, senjata-hal aneh (sebuah kipas yang berbentuk seperti labu dan muncul dalam "Kisah Perjalanan

ke Barat" ada di tangannya?.

terjemahan asli inggris :
naruto 511 spoiler
I, who have been a prisoner of memories. Are there comrades waiting for me, who has finally set off...?
Cover is Konan with Yahiko and Nagato in the center. Konan is holding a red origami. The background is the small hut the three of them had lived in.

Madara looks down at Nagato and sucks him in. Nagato's corpse falls into Madara. All that is left now is Yahiko's corpse.
Konan's corpse floats up in the lake. The origami that is stained with blood from her chest catches the wind and takes flight.
Jiraiya and the three of them in the small hut. In the hut, there is a red board on the wall. Jiraiya says "From the right, these are Konan, Yahiko, and Nagato's."
"What's that" the three ask, "frog boards" he replies, the board is red on the front and white on the back, and on the white side there is a picture of a frog.
Jiraiya explains with a grin that if you turn it over, there's a frog.
When they are in the hideout, they are to leave the board on the red side, an when they leave the hideout, they should turn it over to the white side.
Jiraiya explains with another grin that the frog drawn on the white side is a frog signal.
Yahiko: "Just cuz you're the frog sennin so we're overlooking it, but you're pushing the frog onto us."
Konan: "Why do we have to do all that?"
Jiraiya: "This place still doesn't have public order, so we don't know when we'll get targeted. You're the easiest target when in the hideout, and if your location is leaked then a secret attack is also easy to launch"
Konan then understands from listening to him "Even though the board stays red, if that person is not inside the hideout, it means that he's been abducted by the enemy or something. If it's white but he's been inside all along, it could mean that there is a possibility that the enemy has transformed into him.
Jiraiya says that it'll be a code just for the 4 of them to confirm each others presence and they cannot let their guard down even in the hideout.
He has also built an underground hidden room, and he shows them the way to get out to the surface from it. He shows them his board, saying that it is the one behind them.
Jiraiya asks if they shall go do some "water off a duck's back" training. Yahiko runs out of the door.
Nagato: This time sensei has done it for us, but does he really get the stuff about this code?
Yahiko looks back: I'm gonna get even stronger and change this country (*pun. kaeru = frog = change)
Konan's cheeks flush a little. Nagato notices, "...." and then smiles
Jiraiya gets angry at Nagato: Before changing (kaeru) the country out there, first turn over the frog (kaeru) board!
Jiraiya then leaves the three. Jiraiya's board in the hut is on the frog side.
The three of them continue their training. When Nagato is out, Konan takes care of Yahiko. Their eyes meet and they stare at each other...
Nagato is pleasantly standing at the entrance with his back facing them.
Yahiko: Our organisation has grown large, today we say goodbye to this hideout. Everything began from here. For the sake of the realisation of our dreams, we will also depart from here! And...
There are 2 shinobi outside the hut. Before leaving the hideout, they turn the boards to the frog side.
However, as Konan's board is changed to the "out" side, a kunai with explosive tags on it hits the roof and explodes. A hole opens up in the roof.
Nagato as he escapes (via the path Jiraiya taught them from the hidden room): The hidden room served us well in the end
Yahiko: Let's go
End of flashback.

The origami that took flight from Konan's chest flutters towards the hideout of their beginnings that stands on the side of the lake.
The hideout has fallen into disuse and there are now trees and moss growing on it, but the frog boards, with moss growing on them are still as they were before.

Continuing from where Yahiko had said "And..."
"And... When our dreams come true, even if we're separated from each other... Let's return here one day. And then the three of us'll congratulate each other!
After those words, the red origami flies to Konan's frog board that had been turned to the "out" side...
Light shines in through the roof and through it a rainbow can be seen, as if a depiction of congratulations.
"Then at that time, we've gotta invite Jiraiya-sensei as well" "Yeah..." "Well... I wonder if that'll happen..." a conversation of the three from the past.
Jiraiya's board that had been turned to the "out" side when they parted ways has been flipped to the red side because of the trees that had grown and pushed it.

Madara and the rest. Madara puts on a new mask. "It caused some trouble but you managed to get some good eyes, didn't you" says Kabuto. Madara: "They were mine to begin with."
The information from Kisame has arrived as well, Zetsu holds out a scroll and says that things are in their favour.
Madara: "I'm off to get the Kyuubi" Madara stands, a weird weapon-like thing (a fan that is shaped like a gourd and appeared in Journey to the West or something?) in his hand.

credit to: